Wordpress to Silverstripe with rebrand & digital marketing for The Skin Scar Clinic


Website Design, Branding, SEO, Lead Generation, Hosting

Customer Location

Cambridge, UK

Project Goal

Lead Generation

Customer Targets


Added Features

New identity, new design, fully responsive, silverstripe cms & lead generation services.

New branding and a full digital service

We don’t just stop at web design, which is why the Skin Scar Clinic website also benefitted from full content production (every page essentially needed to be rewritten from scratch) and an on-going digital marketing plan that includes blogging and social media management.

SEO formed a big part of the work, too, because it was vital that Mr Abood’s new website worked as hard as possible for his business.

All on-site SEO was carried out by the New Edge team, along with the necessary redirects to ensure no previous ranking gains were lost. This is an on-going service, too, and one we look forward to continuing with Mr Abood.

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